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The selection of Yuyao Yangmei King this year has been announced
Text Size:A A A 2024-06-20

The annual Yangmei Festival - the third "Agricultural and Commercial Cup" Yuyao Yangmei King Challenge was held yesterday afternoon at Longshan Cultural Square, aiming to further expand the popularity of Yuyao Yangmei and promote the high-quality development of the Yangmei industry. Vice Mayor Yang Dapeng attended.

This event is hosted by the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau and Yuyao Rural Commercial Bank, and organized by the Municipal Agricultural Technology Promotion Service Station and Yuyao Yangmei Industry Association. At the event, there were crowds of people and the fragrance of yangmei wafted. 56 water chestnut seeds and summer solstice red (including crystal seeds) yangmei samples were selected by plum farmers from 10 main yangmei producing areas, including Zhangting Town, Sanqi Town, Mazhu Town, and Moushan Town, to participate in the selection.

After an objective, fair, and professional comprehensive evaluation of the weight, sugar content, and other indicators of Yangmei by provincial and municipal experts, five "Yangmei King", five gold and five silver awards were respectively selected for the water chestnut variety and the summer solstice red. Yangmei selected from Shiyuanxi Yangmei Farm, Meinong Zhu Jichun, Shiliqian Ecological Farm, Liangnongheng Road Cherry Base, and Shiliangrei Ecological Farm has been awarded the title of "Yangmei King". Five cultivators of "Yangmei King" were also awarded the title of "Yangmei Master" in Yuyao City for the year 2024.

The event also held a signing ceremony for the party building cooperation between Yuyao Rural Commercial Bank and the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau. Yuyao Rural Commercial Bank provided credit for the "Yangmei King" and the Golden Award Yangmei cultivator with a series of "Moral Credit" co prosperity loan products.

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