杨梅是余姚传统名果,以果色艳丽、甜酸适口、营养丰富而闻名遐迩,在浙江省历次杨梅鲜果品评中,余姚杨梅均名列前茅,被国家农业农村部命名为“中国杨梅之乡”。每年6月杨梅成熟时,“杨梅之乡欢乐游”活动吸引省内外的游客云集余姚。游客们赏满山红果,品果中珍奇,体验中国杨梅之乡独特的风土人情。 Waxberry is a traditional and famous fruit in Yuyao, it gained its reputation for its lovely color, proper taste and abundant nourishment. In each of the Zhejiang Waxberry competitions, Yuyao waxberry is top-ranked, and thus Yuyao is named as China Waxberry Country by National Agriculture Department. Each year in June, when waxberry ripens, Waxberry Country Happiness Tour attracts tourists from all over the country. Tourists can enjoy mountains of red waxberry andexperience special climate and flavor of China Waxberry Country.